Click on the section below to learn more
1- Where is the hanging banner displayed?
A. Above the stand of the company that purchased it, limited to the space of the stand.
2- I purchased the publicity banner and installation. What size should the banner be?
A. The banner must be in good condition, with metalon tubes at the top and bottom, and be 3x2 m for the standard 6m² banner size or 4x3 m for 12m² banners. (Remember, this is your brand that will be on display).
3- I purchased the publicity banner and installation. Where should I have it delivered?
A. The Banner must be at the booth of the company that purchased it on the second and third day of assembly. After delivery, the exhibitor should communicate with the CAEX merchandising team to include the installation in their schedule.
4- No one has contacted me about sending the art. How should I proceed?
A. If you have already signed a contract, the purchased items will appear on the Exhibitor Portal in the send material field. All information, such as weight and dimensions, will appear when clicking on the send button for each product (as shown in the illustration below).
Otherwise, contact us by e-mail at [email protected] to request product specifications.
5- I have the art for the product I purchased. How should I send it?
A. You should upload the art on the Exhibitor Portal in the send material field.
6- I've already uploaded the art on the Portal. Is it possible to change the art I sent?
R. In the case of changes, please contact [email protected] for more information.
For pavilion products, if the material has NOT been produced, we will cancel the item on the Portal so that new art can be submitted.
For online products we will cancel the item on the Portal so that new art can be submitted.
7- I purchased a double sided totem, street banner and/or floor sticker and I want to choose the location. What should I do?
A. The business area will contact you and send you the map with the available locations to choose from.
8- Can I choose a location that is not on the map?
A. Locations are defined at strategic points, together with other event communications, and other locations are not possible.
9- We are already setting up for the event. Is there still time to purchase a merchandising tool?
A. Consult the business area to see about availability.
How does it work?
The customer contacts the business area> the business area checks availability in the inventory and whether it is possible to deliver the requested product on time> the business area replies to the customer.
10- The banner next to my stand has already been installed. When will mine be installed?
A. All banners will be installed before the event starts. We cannot confirm the date and time for installation, as we depend on unobstructed streets to access the stands.
11- When will my floor sticker and/or double sided totem be installed?
A. Sticker and totems are installed only after laying the carpet, before the event starts.
1- What is Digital Activation?
A. It is an online showcase, where you can promote your company and services through an exclusive profile on the Official Website and Mobile App, which is available to the public after signing the contract and for one month after the event.
2- What items are included in the Digital activation?
A. Name on the List of Exhibitors, Company Logo, Business Sectors, Contact Data, Description of your Company, Brands Represented, Unlimited Products, Cover Image and PDF Documents.
3- How long do banners appear on the site?
A. The banners are displayed when you sign the contract and remain online for 3 months after the event.
4- Does the mobile banner product accept banners in GIF format?
R. No, only JPG or PNG formats are accepted for this product.
5- What is my username and password for accessing the lead capture app?
A. Your username and password are on the back of your credential provided by the exhibitor.
6- How do I use the data collector?
A. At the beginning of the day, pick up your data collector at CAEX to start reading visitor credentials and gathering contacts:
• The Data Collector will already be enabled to read the bar codes on visitor credentials;
• When reading a credential, the visitor's data will be recorded in the collector, which must be downloaded to make the contacts available on the Exhibitor Portal;
• To do this, you take the collector to CAEX to be downloaded at the end of the day;
• After the data has been downloaded, you simply access the Exhibitor Portal and download the contact report.
7- What is the data collector's capacity for reading credentials?
A. It can read more than 2,000 per day.
8- No one has contacted me about sending the art. How should I proceed?
R. If you have already signed the contract, the items purchased will appear on the Exhibitor Portal in the send material field. All information, such as weight and dimensions, appear when clicking on the send button for each product (as shown in the illustration below).
Otherwise, contact us by e-mail at [email protected] to request product specifications.
9- I already have the art for the product I purchased. How should I send it?
A. You should upload the art on the Exhibitor Portal in the send material field.